Have you ever wanted to be a member of a range of Golf Courses?
Well now you can!
By simply joining Golfrates Social Golf Membership for a 12 month subscription of ONLY $49, you will receive access to a host of golf courses Australia wide.
Golfrates has negotiated with golf clubs the best valued rounds of golf for Golfrates members, with savings on rounds up to 70% off!
Not only can you take advantage of the heavily reduced rates throughout the early to mid morning tee times, but also capitalise on the extraordinary twilight rates offered throughout the afternoon.
Golfrates membership is the best valued membership in the country with a complimentary round of golf being offered upon joining (valued up to $150), allowing you to receive more back in value than your original investment!
For those golfers looking to become a full member of a particular golf club but unsure as to which one is the most suitable for your needs, why not try the Golfrates membership and sample all the offerings each club has provided prior to joining, ultimately ensuring you to make the best choice!
Why not give it a go, join the Golfrates membership and get out there and enjoy the game we love!